In need of a Stair Lift Installation in Illinois?
Identify if we serve your area by using the map to find your state. If your state is green, then proceed to our Installation page to learn more, or use the form below to apply for a Stair Lift Installation. If your state is grey (coming soon!) contact our team for more information.
If you’d like to help us continue our volunteer work, but don’t have a Stair Lift to donate, we also accept monetary donations! Click here to Learn more about Donating.
Where do we Serve?
We can install stairlifts in numerous states, and work with our partners to ensure fast and efficient service. However, if your state isn’t green (or grey), don’t worry! We may still be able to help. Get in touch with our team to learn more. For those who live in a state highlighted in the map above, visit your state’s page to submit a custom contact form entry, our team will be in touch shortly!
Cities We Serve:
- Aurora
- Bloomington
- Bolingbrook
- Champaign
- Chicago
- Cicero
- Elgin
- Evanston
- Joliet
- Naperville
- Peoria
- Rockford
- Schaumburg
- Springfield
- Waukegan
- And more!
States We Serve:
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- South Dakota
- Wisconsin
Coming Soon:
If you live in any of the following states, reach out to one of our team members to see if we can install a stair lift in your home today!
- California
- Georgia
- Kentucky
- North Carolina
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Washington